In John 13:14-15, Jesus says, "If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you."
It was expected in Jesus day, that a guest in your home would be offered water to clean his feet or perhaps a servant would be given the task as the guests arrived. It was a lowly job, reserved for the lowliest of servants.
So, what in the world is Jesus doing in his final days on earth, stooping to wash his disciples feet? Well, he says he was doing it as an example for them to follow! Imagine how uncomfortable the disciples would be; the teacher is on the floor, stooping, cleaning, getting his hands dirty...example-ing!
And then he says..."do just as I have done to you." Really Jesus?
So, can we humble ourselves with our spouse? Is there dirty work that needs to get done? Is the lesson of Jesus that we should wash each other's feet or is there more to it?
I think there must be more to it, since I have never walked into church or a person's home and been offered water for my feet. I can't just say, "well that one doesn't apply to me." :) While there are many valuable lessons that we could learn from Jesus' action, one that I don't hear very often is "how does this apply to marriage?"
What do you think was the key quality that Jesus was displaying? I think it was humble service! The Bible says, in a well known passage, that Jesus humbled himself as a servant...and that we ought to do likewise. (See Philippians 2)
Are there jobs that you just don't like to do? Are there some that you feel are beneath you?
Honestly, there are jobs that I don't like to do. When my children were young, my wife had the primary responsibility of changing diapers - I joined in as long as I could keep my gag-reflex from overwhelming me! I can think of many times that I just said, "here you go, your daughter (or son) needs to be changed." At other times, a child may be sick in the middle of the night, "honey, it sounds like someone is getting sick..."(nudge, nudge) You get the picture.
While I never thought those jobs were beneath me, there have been times that I have thought..."I have more important things to do." Ouch, that hurts to say that! I am glad that Jesus didn't say that!
I am blessed with an incredible wife. In retrospect, I think I have taken her humble service for granted. Over the years, she has demonstrated, time after time, the point of Jesus words, ..."do just as I have done to you." She has taken up her bowl of water, knelt down, served, and...exampled Christ to me. Somewhere along the way I began to take up my own towel, and kneel down to serve (nowhere near to her level, but still aspiring.) It is not just her example, of course, but my Saviors, that inspires.
What does this kind of service look like in your marriage? Cleaning up after the children, the dog, or each other? As we age together, I know that there will be many other ways to humbly serve (come quickly, Lord Jesus!). Your marriage has its own "dirty work" that must be done...are you above it or ready to follow Christ's example?
Let me say it this way. When I am confronted with a decision that makes me want to say, "not me," perhaps I should stop and ask the question, "why not me?" Certainly, if anyone ever had the right to say, "not me," it would be Jesus. But, instead he stooped, he cleaned, and...he exampled servant-hood constantly. And he asked us to model it for one another.
There are probably lots of better analogies and lessons and applications to be learned from Jesus teaching here. But if I am seeking to be the best husband I can be, and esteem and value my wife deeply, then it may just start with following Jesus example of doing the dirty work and humbly serving her.
Pastor Dave
Thanks, Nikki!