Monday, December 20, 2010

You will never guess who is going to India...

Well, maybe you will:) After a year hiatus (yes, I checked the spelling) from India, God swung open the door once again and I couldn't be more excited about the opportunity! But I am not the only one from my family that is going...

This Fall, Sharon mentioned that I might want to read a journal entry from Bethany's Bible class. As I read it, I was stunned and humbled. She was writing in response to Genesis 12 where Abraham is called by God to move out in faith. She wrote, "would I listen to God and trust Him and leave my home? I will have to answer that soon, because every year my dad goes to India on a missions trip...I will have to decide in the next few years when I will be going with him...leaving my home to be a missionary to people of a different country. I can relate to Abraham in that way, but will I go out of my comfort zone to go where God is calling me???"

In her prayer of application, she said, "I pray that whatever I decide to do and whenever I decide to do it, that I will be like Abraham and trust you...amen!"

Out of the mouths of...well, youth! When your children begin to wrestle with possibilities like this - desiring to step out in faith while counting the cost - your heart gets a start. Coincidentally;), I had been sensing that God was giving me the "nod" to return to India, but practically, that didn't make a lot of sense. As a new pastor, with tons of ministry happening at our church, I had to find a moment to brave the question, "can I use my vacation to go to India?" Pastor Chris' answer was "yes," and now the journey begins...again...and fresh with the opportunity to take my 14 year old daughter along with me!

So, with doors open wide, the prep underway, and stabs of anticipation creeping upon me in the middle of the night, we embark on a journey, with each other, and...with you.

Will you join us? In prayer & encouragement?

Thank you and Blessings!

P.S. Please stay tuned for future updates about how we will be ministering and what our needs are.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Joyful Giving (electronically)

I would like to invite you to participate in our Electronic Giving program designed to simplify your giving to God's work at FBC Prescott.

Electronic Giving enables each person to make their church offering using electronic funds transfer (EFT). Since you are probably already using EFT to pay your mortgage, car payment or insurance premium through an automatic withdrawal from your checking or savings account, why not extend that convenience to your giving?

Here are a few reasons to consider this option:

There is no cost to you for this new giving option.
If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year or prepare 52 envelopes.
When you travel or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, this program will allow your weekly offerings to continue on an uninterrupted basis.
This also gives you the opportunity to put your "green" convictions into action, by cutting down on the use of paper:)

To participate in electronic giving, please visit our website at and click on the “Online-Giving” icon on the right side of the page to begin giving joyfully (electronically)!

If you are not familiar with online giving, and would like more information or help to start the process, please contact our church office at 928.778.9790 and we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you for considering this new giving opportunity.